Sint-Lukas Hogeschool Brussels (BEL)
Kristin Rogghe
Ken Wastyn
Sint-Lucas Hogeschool Ghent (BEL)
Bram De Jonghe
Jan Rymenants
Marijke Verkaart
Ruth Viaene
AKI ArtEZ, Academie voor Beeldende Kunsten, Enschede (NDL)
Daniel Maalman, Wouter Kops & Bram de Weert
Jan Merlin Marski
Leeds Metropolitan University (GBR)
Chloe Cooper
Fiona Mc Killop
Andrew Sims
Goldsmiths College, London (GBR)
Allsopp & Weir
Theo Prodromidis
Raymond Taudin Chabot
Ecole supérieure d'Art de Clermont Communauté (FRA)
Anne-lise Carron
Christophe Tarrerias
Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung - ZKM, Karlsruhe (DEU)
Matthias Fritsch
Martin Lorenz
Patricia Röder
Rosenbeck & Busch
Wootton & Hartmann
Institut für Bildende Kunst und Kulturwissenschaften, Linz (AUT)
Kogler & Szmit
Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts (LTU)
Ieva Kabašinskaitė
Božena Miežonis
Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallin (EST)
Hudnoi (Karlson & Kaselaan)
Carmen Lansberg
Raymond Taudin Chabot
1974 (NLD)

That Place, 2006
We see a businessman, being driven around an industrial estate. The camera alternately focuses on the man from inside the car and from the outside looking in through the window. The silence and the flat terrain accentuate the sense of alienation and a serenely enveloped feel. As we settle into the pace of the film, we start to imagine stories just by looking at the protagonist's features and expressions.
Bachelor degree, Gerrit Rietveld Akademie, Amsterdam (1999); Masters degree, Goldsmiths College, London (2007)